Our Story

Hello there! I'm Deb, a proud mum of two amazing daughters and the heart behind We The Cartel, a female founded Australian fashion jewellery brand.

With over three decades in the fashion industry, I've seen the transformative power of jewellery—it has the ability to turn an ordinary outfit into something truly extraordinary, making you feel unstoppable.

At We The Cartel, our mission is simple: we're all about quality, style, and affordability, crafting accessories that not only complement but also elevate your unique style. Our diverse collections range from statement pieces to timeless classics, vibrant pops of color to elegant neutrals, and everything in between, including delicate studs that add a touch of charm to any look.

We're constantly on the lookout for fresh ideas, trends, and products to ensure we stay ahead of the curve. Our goal is to be your go to destination for jewellery that perfectly complements and completes your outfit, leaving you feeling confident and empowered.

I love handpicking new, exciting products and traveling to meet our wonderful stockists across Australia and New Zealand. I'm incredibly grateful for the opportunity to do what I love every single day through this business. Your support means the world to us as we continue to grow and innovate.

Thank you for being a part of our story and for supporting our Australian brand.